10. Little Cat is Bo's kitten, although she is twice Bo's size.
11. Jasmine came from the animal shelter seven years ago. She is a wonderful friend but isn't much for chasing balls and sticks. She does sommersauls and loves to have her belly rubbed, and is a great companion on orchard walks.
12. That takes me to Ellie and the fact that I cannot add small numbers correctly. Five dogs plus seven cats equals twelve animals not thirteen.
In May of 2002 I drove to Pensacola, Florida to pick up my oldest son from college. My good friend, Shelly, did not think it wise for me to travel the distance alone and kindly asked her dear husband if she could go along with me. I was greatful for the company and one sunny morning we set off on our grand adventure. The longer we drove, the sillier we became. Somewhere in Ohio it was decided that we should send a postcard home from every state we passed through. (Finding a place to mail them was quite the challange.) We had just crossed into Kentucky after driving many hours, and it was past midnight when we pulled into one of those little stores along the highway for a potty stop. We had to ask where the ladies room was. When we found the little back room and opened the door, we were both surprised to find two working toilets sitting side by side, no divider. We are good friends and have been for quite some time, but this kind of sharing was something neither of us had planned on. I looked at her, she looked at me and we both started laughing. "You go first" I said.
1. I don't like having wet feet.
2. I don't like mud.
3. I prefer privacy in the restroom. (Shelly will understand.)
4. I can stand on my head. (At least I used to be able. I haven't tried it in a while.)
5. I don't like winter and the cold doesn't like me, but I have no plans to move south and I still think winter is beautiful.
6. I don't care to watch TV but will sit at the computer, listen to whatever my family is watching, and then ask them questions about what is happening in the movie.
7. And... Shelly will tell you that on very long road trips, I count road-kill. (I must have been too tired to remember.)
There, now I am supposed to tag how many people? Seven?! Hmmmm... How about Michelle, Heather, Shelly, Uncle Dave, Allen, Hannah, and... Priscilla.
Oh, by the way, the snow stuck on the trees all day long today. It was as beautiful when I came home late this afternoon as it was when I left home around 10 am. I took these shots this morning. See how different things look from when "The Claw" was sitting out there? It's a whole new world!