Friday, February 08, 2008

Winter Trees

I took my camera with me when I went out to pick up Troy yesterday. The trees looked so pretty that I wanted to capture a picture while the snow was still stuck on all the branches. The pine trees have been especially attractive. I love how the ice and snow outline each individual branch. Some snowfalls leave little mounds of snow piled on the needles but this snow was wet and sticky. All the ice that built up on Wednesday merged into a layer of snow.

The street signs were wearing fringes made of icycles. I found that rather amusing. I don't usually see fringed street signs.
And the little bench by my back garden is slightly shivery too. It isn't where I want to sit and relax right now although it does look quite fancy all dressed up like that.


  1. Shall we call these snow and ice sculptures "fringe benefits" of winter?

  2. Yes, that would be a great thing to call them!

  3. I only have rain and it's not pretty like your snow.

  4. I really liked the picture of the trees with snow on the branches! It's so pretty!

  5. Absolutely, snow covered pine trees are gorgeous! We're back to the mud stage here.

    Priscilla-good word choice!
