I managed to get up on time this morning. It was still dark, my alarm went off, and I was not late. On my way to work my mind went back to the fiasco that was Sunday morning...
I had no plans for Saturday so when my sister Priscilla called and asked what I was doing, I answered her, "Nothing." She inquired as to whether we might do nothing together, and it sounded like a fabulous idea to me. After a little back and forth conversation, we agreed that I would take a ride out to her house and I set off that direction.
We did quite a bit of "nothing" while trying to decide what kind of "something" to do. We had a bit of lunch together, and then took a walk to Main Street and went in a couple of shops. First we wandered through True Lily which was absolutely fabulous! An entire shop full of whimsical do-dads and artistry! We looked and talked, and talked and looked. I found all kinds of wonderful things, but only came home with one gift for a small boy who will be five in just a couple of weeks. Before heading back to Priscilla's house, we crossed Main Street and went into a second shop where enjoyed looking, but didn't buy anything. Back at the house we decided to watch a movie, ate a little dinner, and then I headed home. It had been a very nice visit.
The house was empty when I arrived home in Webster, and quiet and still when I climbed the stairs and crawled into bed. It was late when I heard my people come home, and I drifted off to sleep only to awake in a panic next morning when I discovered I would be late for work for the second time in less than a week! Except that I wasn't.
I don't go out to Priscilla's house often, but when I do go, it is typically a Sunday afternoon. We usually visit for a while and have some dinner before I go home. When I returned home Saturday night, my mind imagined it was Sunday night instead of Saturday, leaving me in a state of panic and confusion when morning arrived. Ha ha! And here I thought I was losing my marbles...
No Time to Cry Willy-Nilly take #484.
3 hours ago