Thursday, February 28, 2008

Too Cold for a Snowman

It's been one of those days where I would have preferred to stay in my house and not venture outside into the cold, but today is Thursday and that is when Troy must be picked up from preschool, so we trekked out into the cold once again today. On the way home we stopped to say hello to the snowman parked in Troy's front yard. (His mom also found Tuesday afternoon perfect for building a snowman.) This poor snowman's hat was so covered by the blowing snow that Troy's mom thought maybe it had blown away. There it was just peeking out from under a covering of fresh flakes.

My dear friend, Ann, called me from sunny Florida this afternoon. We had a wonderful long conversation. I should have put on that pot of tea so we could share a cup like in the "old days". Ann says I should do some research on Peekapoos. I've never known one of those but she thinks maybe she could get me a good deal on one of these furry little friends. I just may have to give that some quick consideration.


  1. What a delightful snowman? Did you make it?

  2. No, this one is in Troy's front yard. We just stopped to take a picture.

  3. Brr..that snowman is looking a little chilly. Sounds like a wonderful conversation with your friend. Peekapoos are delightful.

    (btw, I tagged you on my blog. Sorry!) ;)

  4. Peekapoo is certainly a very fun and cute name! They must be cute.

    We had a snow day here last Friday. I think we had maybe 3 inches. LOL

  5. That is something we haven't done this year....snowman building. I am not lementing this at all.

  6. I have had many days where I felt it was too cold to do anything or go anywhere and it doesn't even snow here!

  7. Thanks to Troy for sharing his snow-person!
    We had a peekapoo when we were children. A very good and loyal friend, although, he did love my brother more than me.

  8. Yesterday was bitterly cold but next week looks better. I love to see snowmen but I'm glad my grandkids consider me too old to help make them!
