*Not much to post. Lots of mind chatter, but nothing blog worthy and that is why we end up with "Bits and Pieces."

* I drove through a flurry of pink "snow" on my way to work yesterday morning. It happened so fast it surprised me and I really wanted to turn around and go stand in the falling petals, but I would have been late so I kept going. Ha ha!
* Made my weekly visit to the pottery studio this evening. As it spins on the wheel, the clay dries out the side of my right hand leaving it to crack and bleed. I am not sure what the remedy for this is, but I'm sure there's one out there somewhere.
* My room is a cluttered mess filled with boxes I need to sort through. The garage is getting filled up too as we move things from one house to another. Some things get moved just for the sake of getting them out of the way... Lately I can't remember what I have or where anything is. Please pray I can get everything sorted and either put away, sold, or donated before the summer is over and winter sets in again.

* I've moved a few pieces of my parents' furniture back home, and by home I mean their home. The furniture used to live here and now it does again. Different places maybe, but the same house. Mom's china cabinet is once again full of her dishes. I think the girls and I need to have a party or something. Maybe.
* I have embarked on the adventure of a 30 Day Clean Eating Cleanse with Hannah. We're two days in. There are lots of obstacles to overcome in the next several weeks but I am pretty determined. Besides, I have a co-pilot this time. I am thankful for Hannah.
* Last year's work babies are growing up and leaving the Infant Room to join the toddlers. It is sad for us, but good for them as they have more room to play, more age-appropriate activities, and the opportunity to play on the playground outside. I still get to see them for a few minutes each day, dole out and collect hugs, and see them grow. Makes me miss my own "Flower Garden."
* Making an attempt at turning the light out a little bit earlier each night. Every little bit of sleep counts...