Saturday, February 02, 2008

Tag! You're It!

I have been tagged by Christine to write seven strange/weird things about myself. (Sounds more like a job for my sisters...) I'm not sure I can think of seven more things that I haven't already written at one time or another, but I'll be a good sport and give it a whirl...

1. I don't like having wet feet.

2. I don't like mud.

3. I prefer privacy in the restroom. (Shelly will understand.)

4. I can stand on my head. (At least I used to be able. I haven't tried it in a while.)

5. I don't like winter and the cold doesn't like me, but I have no plans to move south and I still think winter is beautiful.

6. I don't care to watch TV but will sit at the computer, listen to whatever my family is watching, and then ask them questions about what is happening in the movie.

7. And... Shelly will tell you that on very long road trips, I count road-kill. (I must have been too tired to remember.)

There, now I am supposed to tag how many people? Seven?! Hmmmm... How about Michelle, Heather, Shelly, Uncle Dave, Allen, Hannah, and... Priscilla.

Oh, by the way, the snow stuck on the trees all day long today. It was as beautiful when I came home late this afternoon as it was when I left home around 10 am. I took these shots this morning. See how different things look from when "The Claw" was sitting out there? It's a whole new world!


  1. beautiful photos once again Ms. Martha..You have such a wonderful eye for the beauty around you..I love you..give my love to the family...gramanita

  2. I don't remember that you ever liked to count roadkill on our many road trips as children, what fun! Lol!

  3. That was a fun read, Martha!!
    LOL wanda

  4. #4-you can stand on your head!

    :-) I wonder how many hours I spent trying to stand on my head! (-:

  5. I agree with you in point 5 and 6.
    I do the same.... however, I would not mind going south a little while in winter.

    I cannot stand on my head. Never have, never will.

  6. Thanks for playing! It is always nice to learn more about my blogging buddies.

  7. hahaha! I'm not too keen on two seaters either!!!

    I dare you to stand on your head!! I used to do headstands but I think if I tried now I'd see stars for hours!!

  8. I used to be able to stand on my head, too! I wonder if I still could....

  9. I thought the snow hanging on the pine trees was exceptionally beautiful. I noticed it was still there yesterday even with how warm its been the past few days. It guess it must have been b/c it was such wet,heavy snow!

  10. So why is liking privacy in the bathroom strange? I thought that was normal.
