Saturday, February 16, 2008

Caffeine Withdrawal

I have not had a cup of coffee in a little over a week. For the most part I haven't felt like having any, instead I have been drinking tea, juice, or water, but this evening a nice French vanilla coffee sounded especially good. I was tired, my eyes were achy, and it is still cold and snowy outside. Why didn't I give in? I suppose it was because the clock said almost 5 pm and I really want to have a good night's sleep. Instead I ended up taking 1/4 of an Excederin to stop the flashy, achy feeling in my eyes. It's not that I am giving up coffee forever, I'm just taking a "coffee break".


  1. So am I! I have only had three cups in the last month.

  2. Is there a particular reason you are taking a coffee break? Just wondering.

  3. Proud of you!! This I could not do, no way Jose'!
    I have given up cigarettes,tequila and other ETOH. I have given up chocolate for lent, but I will stand fast on my coffee addiction.

  4. I am taking a coffee break because I have been feeling both addicted to and affected by the caffeine. I had been waking up way too many times during the night, like six or eight, but was afraid of the headache brought on by quitting. When Ellie got hit by the car, my stomach was sick and I couldn't drink my coffee, I decided maybe it was a good time to go for the break.

  5. Good for you! I admire you! I love your blog.

  6. The picture is so delicious, I just had to go make a pot of coffee. I'm sure I drink too much coffee, ((but I don't chew tobaco or swear))) ha ha!!

    LOL :) Wanda

  7. Wanda, you are funny. I did break down this morning and have a cup, a little one. After a week without, this cup was very much enjoyed.

  8. I started drinking caffeine free tea because I like something warm to sip on while I work. I still have a cup or two of coffee in the morning.

  9. I know what you mean about addiction to caffiene. Sometimes I feel like it is now an obligation to take it because I will get a headache. I don't enjoy it as much when it is a necessity.
