Monday, February 11, 2008

Going Bananas

Last week I bought some bananas. The smaller bunch was just ripe, a nice yellow color, and second bunch was green. We ate up the yellow bananas and waited for the others to ripen. We waited and waited. They slowly turned from green to a sickly greenish brown color. I like bananas when they have just turned yellow and I prefer them without the brown spots. They are now past their prime. It looks like I may be making several batches of banana bread in the next few days. If the monkeys are hungry, send them over!


  1. Oh I have a container of mashed bananas in the freezer. I should defrost them tomorrow and make bread.

    Your's looks yummy.

    Thanks for your comments and prayers. LOL Wanda

  2. Mmmmm. Looks yummy, Martha. Do you use Sheri's recipe? That is the one I use. I made banana cream pie last night and that was yummy, too!

  3. Wanda, you're welcome.

    Heather, I use my mom's recipe and call it "Grandma's Banana Bread", but I'm sure Sheri's is yummy. SHe always bakes good things.

  4. The bread looks so good! It would go good with a cup of coffee on such a cold day!

  5. I would like some of the bread ;-)

  6. Yes, please I would love a slice with a cup of coffee. :)
    I had heard you could freeze banannas and then defrost and use them when you wanted bananna bread.
    It works! The fun part; you don't have to peel them to mush them up, just squeeze the 'nanna out of the peel, cool!

  7. We used to put our over ripe bananas in the freezer too. Now they never get over ripe because Nivya eats them faster than we can buy them.

    So sorry to hear about your dog, Martha.

  8. How strange that they never ripened to yellow. I am hoping to use my over-ripe bananas to make banana choc chip ice cream! It's the next one on the list. :o)

  9. If you read my blog you know I have a vicious monkey I could send over. How did we both post on monkeys the same day?! Anyways, as long as there aren't any five year olds around Charlie should behave.

  10. Sherri, I read the blog but never thought about the monkey connection. (I'm a little slow these past few days.)

  11. I used to like bananas but now I stick to banana bread. Brown ones... I never could stand them. I would never touch the bruised ones either. I think I am too picky! LOL

    You have a nice site. I am glad that you love the Lord.

    Take care! :-)

  12. Ymmy! I'm bananas about bananas!
