There have been years when I tried to grow a garden, and years when I was fairly successful, but the best garden years have been those where James has been involved. It's not that he has more time to play in the dirt or pull weeds, I think it's just that his thumbs are greener. I'm pretty sure at least two of our children inherited their daddy's green thumbs.

After much hard work, mostly on the part of my husband, we are now gathering in the fruits of our labor. We have cucumbers, lots of cucumbers, and we pick them small and tender. This evening I cut up several and covered them with a sauce of sour cream and vinegar with a little bit of sugar, salt and pepper, and some green onions. Yum!

Summer squash, green and yellow, finds its way into our dinners on an almost nightly basis. We cook it up on the grill, marinate it, toss it in a pan with peppers, onions, and Parmesan cheese, and even throw it into custard pie. Haven't yet made a loaf of bread, but I'm sure it will happen soon.
This year we planted a whole bed of pepper plants. As the chile peppers mature, James snips them from the plant and piles them into a box, then we take them up to the back porch, roast them on the grill and pretend we are in New Mexico. We're going to have some wonderful pots of chili con carne this fall and winter!
Hidden between the stalks of corn are my butternut squash plants. I thought we'd have a Three Sisters Garden but we never got around to planting the beans... Green onions, leeks, and chives occupy one section of garden, tomatoes another, and we even have several eggplants growing. And up by the house, in that flower garden I can't keep weeded, is growing a nice big pumpkin plant. Maybe you'll see a Jack-O-Lantern or two in the fall.