So, after our visit to the Fisher Price Museum we headed for the border. We paid the $3 fee and crossed the Peace Bridge into Fort Erie. (No passports, just driver's licenses and birth certificates.) Years ago my husband had several relatives living in the Fort Erie area. We would pack up our one child, drive the two hours and stay with his mom in Crystal Beach, visit Nanny in Fort Erie, or stop to see Aunt Jeanne or Aunt Sharlene. In the past 25 years many of these people have moved on to other places... Yesterday we stopped at the just the right store to buy mint Aero bars (we know where to go now) and then headed over to see if "Grandma" Gail was home. It was about 2:30 and she was gone out, so we stopped at the seemingly abandoned Ridgeway Battlefield Museum. All locked up just like the past several times we've stopped. We're Teals so we always stop to look. (Enlarge the photo...)

I drove to Ridgeway and lost all sense of direction. I am programmed to have a Great Lake to my north. Lake Ontario is my compass whenever I need to know which direction I am traveling, but in Ridgeway the Great Lake, in this case Lake Erie, is to the south. You might think this is just a simple direction change, but it sends me spinning. I wasn't exactly lost, but I didn't quite know where I was either.

We found an access road to Windmill Point Beach and decided to check it out. It is a small rocky, sand and shell covered beach that was all but deserted. I'm sure when the Lakes were clean it was a wonderful place to play. Grandmanita would know and have plenty of stories to tell besides.

When we left Windmill Point I thought we might head for Crystal Beach but as luck would have it, I was still confused and we ended up back in Fort Erie instead. Not to be undone, we decided to look for the "old dance hall". We found it wild, overgrown and full of intrigue and mystery, with a gorgeous view of the city of Buffalo just across the mouth of the Niagara River.

See? Buffalo.

And finally, we went back to see if "Grandma" Gail had returned home. I'm happy to say we found her and had a nice albeit short, visit. She insisted on giving us drinks and feeding us chips and watermelon. She thought maybe we should stay for supper, but the day was wearing on and we needed to go home.