Sunday, April 05, 2020

One Looonnnngggg Weekend

The past week has felt like one very long, stretched out weekend. Not quite a vacation, but a very long weekend. Yesterday was the toughest day. Emotionally drained and looking for sunshine, instead we had rain and gray skies. I spent the better part of my day sorting through and rearranging boxes, taking them out of the attic, and putting them in the attic. When it's all said and done I still won't know where anything is, but hopefully I'll have less of it. Or at least it will take up less space. Ha ha!

Late in the afternoon I took myself around the block. I needed to walk it out, so while Hannah, Sergio, and Idris took a ride to pick up some pizza, I walked up Mohawk Street and then all the way around the block, back to the same end of Mohawk, and home again. Our timing was impeccable.

During the evening we watched a movie. I can't remember if it was Disney's "Onward" or "Guardians of the Galaxy"... We watched them both this weekend, but I typically half-watch. Rarely does a movie get my full attention. Last night I was busy coloring, which I haven't done since I moved here almost three years ago. I was determined to finish the pages I started last time I had the book out.

Today was a better day. I got up, showered, and dressed for church. Yup, I did. Then I gathered some breakfast and a cup of coffee and climbed back into bed for church online. Maybe I can persuade my people to do Easter Sunday with me next week. I haven't pushed anything church yet. Haven't even really put my toes in the water...

I found a new friend request on my Facebook this morning. Almost thought it was a mistake, and then recognized the name as one of my fellow CNA class members from five years ago. We had a really nice time catching up through private messages. I've had a tendency to walk through life feeling as though my presence makes little to no difference to those around me, like I'm invisible, but this past acquaintance blessed me by saying, " I remember you very well from blossom view. You are/were such a kind soul! Hoping life has been good for you." And then I remember that God is very good and He works in ways we cannot see.

One of yesterday's frustrations was my inability to find or order a new pair of prescription reading glasses, because you know, optical stores are "non-essential." I've been without my good reading glasses for months, even though I've looked literally everywhere and even tried to replace them. More recently I noticed another missing item; an afghan I started a few years back. It was a lot of work and nowhere to be found. As luck would have it, the mind never rests, and I began to wonder if my glasses might be lost with my afghan instead of separate from it. Where would a lost bag be if not in my room? Why under my never worn winter coat, of course! And there were my glasses in the bag too. (I think God was snickering.)

Another short walk today, a little raking out the front flower garden, and a bit of driveway drawing. Idris has been trying out shortened names for us. Mommy isn't much on the grown up sounding terms of "Mom" and "Dad" (which I think are cute), but I'm kind of liking the sound of "Gram" especially when it comes with a sideways smile.


  1. So glad you found those lost items and took yourself out for some walks.
    I did church at my dining room table with my breakfast...dressed and no place to go...
    God's timing will be just right for you to approach your family about church.
    You do have such a tender heart. I'm glad you were reconnected with a "new friend".
    Happy Puttering, Martha

    1. I'm thinking church might be at the dining room table this Sunday too. Maybe with breakfast. Or at least some cinnamon rolls and coffee.

  2. Our church has gone virtual, it's kind of neat. I'm so glad you found your spectacles!!! My son Jonathan got new glasses recently, and we bought the insurance on them. They broke soon after, got new frames, and ugh, they broke again! Of course the place is closed, so we had to order him a new pair online, and pay for them, because yeah, he needs to be able to see! We've been walking, rain or shine, but today was SHINE, and SO appreciated. The days are starting to blend together...I love how you reconnected to a friend from the past...such a blessing.

    1. Just a little bit frustrating when eye glasses aren't essential. But God had it covered. I did love today's sunshine! We went for along walk today, and yes, the days are almost indistinguishable from one another.
