Once upon a time, scattered throughout my day, were so many little things to write about and remember. There were random photographs of children, flowers, and animals. Now, most days, my camera stays home in my bedroom waiting for a special outing, but my eyes, ears, and heart still take in so much more than I am able to capture in written words or fleeting photos.

Yesterday morning I bent down to hug a couple of my four and five year old friends and was suddenly enveloped in what one small child termed "
a dwoup hug." So many of these little ones are starving for attention. I only wish I had the time and permission to lavish upon them what they so desperately crave. I want to fill my own home with hungry little people, go for long walks, read books, and hold them in my arms until they are satisfied and ask to get down. Maybe one day...
The four and five year olds are not the only ones to clamor about my legs looking for love. I was also ambushed by a throng of three year olds, a tribe of twos, and several toddlers. Our babies, most of them, also look for a smiling face and a pair of willing arms. My sweet friend "Swearin' Maren" just wants to know I love her, Mylah Bean looks for snuggles, and little Adam beams when I look his way, smile, and say his name. They are a special bunch.
I thought the stress level at the daycare would diminish after our audits were over and in the past, but the wife owner is tightening the reins on any small freedoms we might have.She is reaching into our kitchens (the other center and ours) to make sure everything we serve is identical. Not just the same general meal, but exactly the same. No more using Rotini to make "curly lasagna," it has to be regular lasagna noodles, not served in bowls, but cut into squares and served on a plate. I now have a list of ingredients to be used in my meatloaf (I have never put oats into meatloaf in my life...), and the sunflower butter sandwiches shall no longer be served with jelly. I am beginning to wonder whether or not she cares if these small children actually eat. :0(
I could look for a different job closer to home, but the fact that my little friends look for me keeps me going back. Besides, I am comfortable with my coworkers and I love my boss. She holds things together the best she can and takes the brunt of the "beatings" bequeathed by the Powers That Be. It's not at all a miserable place. I still love my job, but I just might have to buy my own Rotini and sneak it in the back door...