My Uncle Chuck called from Florida this evening to talk to Mom."You know what the Bible says," he told her, "... the arms of the wicked shall be broken... " (Ps. 37:17) Leave it to Uncle Chuck, always the kidder. If he didn't joke and tease, we might be afraid he didn't love us anymore. I'm not sure whether she was amused or not...

This morning, for the first time, I helped my mother with her shower. Strange to now be helping bathe the woman who once did all of this for me... In so very many ways I am humbled. Mom had her second appointment at orthopedics this afternoon. The bone was broken in two places and had to be set last week. Now the doctors check to be sure they remain so. So far everything is good, but old bones are slow to heal and we have an appointment to return again next Monday. In her fall Mom not only broke her wrist, but also banged up her tailbone. I am not sure which injury is causing more discomfort. She appears more incapacitated today than a week ago.
In spite of broken wrists and bruised tailbones, God is here. He has not given up on my often hard and stubborn heart. He knows just where to apply the pressure as this lump of clay spins on the wheel of life. The Master's hands are gentle, and yet firm. Did I not say "I am a work in the hands of the Master Potter. I pray that His fingerprints are all over me as I walk through this life"? (See my sidebar...) Resistance is futile, but His love is sure.
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
2 Corinthians 4:7-8
oh, I had to laugh at your uncle. :)
ReplyDeleteHe is a funny one.
ReplyDeleteYup, sounds just like Uncle Chuck. I have always loved his sense of humor. :)
ReplyDeleteToday I was a bad daughter for hurting her wrist as I opened the car door to give her a kiss. :( I wish I could make all the pain go away.
Life does go around doesn't it? And we're surprised when we find out what we CAN do in the different circumstances in which we find ourselves. I don't know how many times I have said I am NOT a nurse. And yet... when things needed to be done when Benny's dad was on dialysis, or times when Benny has been so sick... somehow (make that only with God's help) I was able to do what needed to be done.
ReplyDeleteYou are not a "bad daughter" you might be had you intended to cause the pain though.
Joeks, it IS amazing what we can do when put to the test. God knows just how to grow us best. (Is that bad grammar?)
ReplyDeleteOuchy. wrists, tailbones, feelings. hugs to all of you.
ReplyDeleteIf you think Uncle Chuck hurt her feelings, you need not worry. We all know him better than that. She told Aunt Margie at least three times that he had called. And I wrote on her cast for him, "Your brother Chuck". It's the only thing written there. :)
ReplyDeleteI have been praying for your mom.
ReplyDeleteNow I am more attached. My tailbone hurts terribly as well it was originally tender from my posture while I did schoolwork on my bed. Then I fell down the stairs. That was over a week ago and the pain is still excruciating. My heart goes out to your mom. I need both arms to reposition sometimes. :(.
Aw, Stacy. I'm so sorry.
ReplyDeleteMom is constantly repositioning too. She is terribly uncomfortable both in her arm and her tailbone. It's been over a week here too.
Martha - it hurts so much. Even lying on my side it hurts. My heart breaks for your mom.
ReplyDeleteYou are so awesome in your service to your mom.