Sunday, July 01, 2007

Birds Watching

I've decided that as much as I might like to watch the birds in my yard, they are much more likely to be watching me. The nest down in the apple tree belongs to a pair of Mockingbirds. They do not appreciate my interest in their babies and I do not like being dive-bombed by birds, so I am keeping a safer distance. I enjoy the little hummingbirds that visit me each day but they sure are hard to photograph! The barn swallows have a rather large vocabulary and I like listening to them "talk" when I sit on the porch in the afternoon. I'm not yet sure what kind of bird this is but I know a very nice "bird woman" who could probably tell me.


  1. Isn't nature interesting to watch?
    We have several kinds of birds, but they stayed at a distance while the squirrels were out and learning the ropes. The squirrels have moved now, and the bird are back. I love to watch them and listen to their vocalizations to.

  2. I finally saw some hummers at our feeder. YAY! But mostly oriels (sp?) visit. Can you believe it?? Haven't gotten a picture yet...

  3. isn't it a female chickadee?
    looks very much like my nesting ones... who had their babies and now are re doing their nest for more I might add.

  4. This is a Song Sparrow. They have a lovely set of songs. I have taken many pictures of them.

    Chickadees are black and white or grey and black with the black cap on their head. Looks like a cap.

    Nice photography.

    Thanks for coming to my blog and visiting and commenting. I appreciate it a lot.

    Abraham Lincoln
    —American Gold Finch—

  5. Thanks Abe, I knew you could tell me what kind of bird it was. My next choice would be to call my dear mom and ask her.

  6. I was thinking it was some sort of sparrow.

  7. I've been trying and trying to get photos of our wrens, but they won't sit still long enough either.

  8. What a lovey picture...The tree frames the little bird so nicely.
