Friday, July 20, 2007

The Warm Fuzzies

When I was a little girl we used to catch a fuzzy seed floating past in the breeze, make a wish, and blow it back into the air. I used to wish for a baby brother (I thought it would be fun to have a baby in the house) but I never got one. I recall wondering where those tiny seeds came from and where they were going. Sometimes I feel like one of them, tossed around by the wind, hanging on for dear life, never really knowing where I am headed. I'm sure those little seeds aren't concerned about their destination. Somehow they trust that the One who made them is in control. He will take them safely to the journey's end. I have to wonder why I struggle so to hang on when He has me safely in His arms.


  1. Ohh, hang on, in 24 hours it will be calm waters I pray.

  2. It's one I haven't quite learned yet either. We just need to keep reminding ourselves he will take care of us.
