Monday, July 23, 2007

The Guessing Game

Yesterday afternoon was our church picnic down at the park. This year someone decided to have a little bit of fun and filled several canning jars with various candies and gumballs. Our job was to guess how many were in each jar. I found this slightly amuzing because just a couple weeks ago I found a book at the library on estimating. It was a kid's book so I brought it home. I glanced through the book and apparently my kids did too. Not only did Ben win one jar and Hannah two, but they told my favorite daughter in law how to figure about how many were in the jars too. There were ten jars of candy and the Teals went home with seven! Go Teals!


  1. Wow, you guys are good, I guess you read that book just in time! Now brush well everybody, and floss too!

  2. Right on!!! I would estimate that was a good guess!!

  3. Too bad the three of us (Joe, Jim and I) weren't there to guess too... We could've taken the whole lot! That is so funny... Taking 7 out of ten. By the way, your last name is in the post... Just a thought.

  4. Yummy! Yummy!

  5. Wow! That's amazing! So did anyone think the games had been rigged?
