Monday, August 06, 2007

You Don't Say!

Jim and Joe came over for blueberry pancakes after the evening church service last night. Since it was already late neither could stay too long, but in the course of conversation the issue of car insurance was raised. Seems Joe owes his dad for his portion of this month's bill. Joe just happened to mention how his driving rcord has been pretty good this past year. I knocked on the coffee table. Joe said he's never hit any animals, not even a bird. I knocked on the coffe table again. (He said I was trying to jinx him.) By then it was close to eleven so the boys took off, Jim following Joe out of the driveway and down the road toward home. Five minutes later the phone rang... I shot James that "oh no" look. Oh yes, it was Jim on the other end of the line. I suppose you can guess what happened. Joe said after our conversation he was watching especially close for deer. He saw the first one cross the road and slammed on his brakes but the second one was impossible to miss. It went rolling out of the road to who knows where and pieces of Joe's front grill and headlights were scattered across the pavement. It could have been worse. The windshield is whole and so is Joe. The truck is back in our driveway looking a little sad but okay. It's fixable. And... we are thankful that God speaks to us prior to some incidents causing us to be just a little more careful than usual.


  1. He shoulda known better to be boasting 'bout such things... After all, even I have hit a few things, the biggest being a turkey.

  2. That reminds me of when I left work one night a few years back and a girl I worked with said, "Goodnight, don't hit any deer on the way home!" I don't know why she said that, but I did hit a deer on the way home. She bought me a lottery ticket the next day, but I didn't win anything.

  3. All I kept thinking was "Joe, don't say it, don't say it!" I've learned over the years that its best not to say some things. It won't keep them from happening but it will keep you from tasting shoe leather. (Get your foot out of your mouth!)

  4. Wow...what a story! I'm glad Joe is OK too. I'm not going to knock on the coffee table!!!

  5. "All I kept thinking was "Joe, don't say it, don't say it!" I've learned over the years that its best not to say some things. It won't keep them from happening but it will keep you from tasting shoe leather. (Get your foot out of your mouth!) "


  6. I am so glad that Joe is okay. Those deer can be so quick.

  7. Yep, I know what you mean. I'm glad that Joe is okay. Sometimes I think it's just better not to say things out loud. Every time I'm at work and say "It sure is slow", it gets crazy busy!

  8. I'm glad Joe is OK. Hopefully this is his only run in with deer! I've been very lucky living here that I've never hit one. And having said that I won't be getting onto my car this evening.
