Sunday, August 12, 2007


Our spot down in the backyard doesn't look quite like this but we're working on it. We've a tent and "Hannah's Place", a firepit, and we're planning on hauling a picnic table down that way tomorrow. If you can't afford to take a vacation out there in the wide world, then the backyard is a fine alternative. Its all in the attitude, right?


  1. It sounds like you have a great attitude! I'd love to see your little camping spot and roast some marshmallows with you guys!

  2. attitude of gratitude, some of us can't even camp in the back yard..... so I would say you are doing A ok! and roasting mellows sound like fun, I'll make my reservation now.... lets say same time next year and for two nights I'll bring my own tent and roasting sticks.

  3. You got it T! Are you bringing the kids or leaving them home?

    Rachel, how about a cousin campout?

  4. Sounds like a great little summer escape. We made a fire for the first time this year on Saturday. I don't know what we'd been waiting for.

  5. great idea!
    We have a childrencamp just here on the tenniscourt, 6 little tents are standing there (nearly in my backyard I can hear the childrens voices) But 'what the heck' as long as they have fun! Enjoy thats the secret, as long as they like it, why not? Have fun!

  6. A plus of your own private campground; you know the bathrooms are clean! Ghost stories too?

  7. My daughter and her husband used to have a pop up trailer like that...but as more children came along, got too small.
    Looks like fun.

  8. My family had a tent trailer when I was a kid. I remember working together as a family to put it up.
