Wednesday, March 20, 2013

J is for January

J is for January (Last year at this time it could have been for June...)

It is cold outside, well below freezing, and there is snow on the ground. It looks and feels more like January than the first day of spring. Today I am grateful for hot coffee and a small pile of fire wood, a very small pile, out on the back porch. I'm also thankful for a crock pot of hot food, blankets to wrap up in, and someone to help me keep the bed warm on cold, stormy nights. Mostly I am thankful that winter doesn't really last forever, even though at present it feels like it might.

Every spring is different. (Didn't I just say last year J could have been for June?) A year ago I hauled out the lawn mower, took pictures of daffodils (see here), and played outside with small children. Today it appears there is nothing but cold outside, but do not be dismayed. Spring is right around the corner.

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  1. When I compare photos of my flowers, it is clear that today's weather is colder than a year ago today. The flowers seem to be at least two or three weeks later this year. Below freezing temps in the forecast tonight.
    Lea's Menagerie

  2. We're having a shot of winter this weekend, suppose to snow another 2". It will end though eventually.

  3. STILL snowing, in March, here,,,
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  4. Here in Georgia, it is going down to 28 degrees tonight. Hopefully, this is our last really cold low. Spring is coming!

  5. still got a lot of snow? We had some hot weather, but this morning was cool.
