Saturday, March 09, 2013


My girl missed out on horseback riding this week, so I promised to take her out to the farm today. She "caught" herself a horse to ride and took him down to the barn to tack up. I don't know much about horses, but was blessed to watch Hannah with her equine friends.

After her ride in the barn with Chase, she took some pepper- mints out to her friend Mack and his buddies in the pasture.

I'm on my way to find some Benadryl and put myself to bed early tonight. I've got one of those hormone headaches that just doesn't want to give up, and with the time change coming I think a good night's sleep is calling.


  1. Horses like peppermints? I never knew!

    Feel better!

  2. Love when you show Horse pictures...
    Something about them, just makes me feel happy inside...
    Hope you got a good sleep...less 1 hour!!
    Beautiful day today...into the 50's...should help melt some of this lousy snow!!!

    Linda :o)

    1. Aw, thanks, Linda. It's always nice to know what my friends enjoy seeing.

      The horses were beautiful Saturday morning. They still have a lot of those long winter hairs in their coats.

      Adjusting to the time change is hardest on Monday morning, but we'll get there eventually.
