Sunday, March 17, 2013


Here it is, the middle of March. I know my birthday will be here in a little less than a week, but I honestly haven't had the brain room to think much of it. Perhaps this is one of the perks of growing older. As the excitement of rising numbers wanes, so also does the time to dwell on it. However, when a friend purposes to remember my birthday and unexpectedly sends me something special? Well, that just makes the day sweet all over again.

Yes- terday's mail brought a package from my dear friend Judy in the Bronx. (She has done this before...) I've been thinking about her lately, wondering how she and her husband Danny are doing. I'd planned on sending her an email, but hadn't done it yet. I wondered at the envelope on the dining room table, and after putting my groceries away, set out to open it. What I found inside made me smile.

Inside the package was a small book, an auto- graphed copy of "A Sense of Place" by Daniel Hauben, a bookmark, and a small card from Judy. The book is a printed collection of the paintings Danny did over the course of three years for the Bronx Community College, some of which he was working on when Hannah and I visited New York City a year and a half ago. I found myself feeling blessed.

There have been days when I remembered birthdays much better than I do now. At this point in time, the special occasion typically creeps up on me, not quite totally unseen, but not altogether noticed either. Maybe one day I will have the presence of mind to do better and have the privilege of blessing my friends and leaving them smiling too.

Thank you, Judy Lane! You are truly a special friend.


  1. what a nice surprise and really special gift! and happy birthday early! :)

  2. Oh that is always nice...
    Getting something so unexpected...
    Lucky you....
    Happy birthday early...
    Let us know the exact date...

    Linda :o)

    1. My birthday is Friday, but since i am counting backward, I only expect to feel younger.
