Thursday, March 14, 2013

Toy and Books

I've decided to begin in earnest the task of cleaning out, and I am starting with our bedroom closet, which has become an "attic" of sorts. It has become increasingly difficult to walk into the closet, and there is little to no space left where things can be stored. Our clothes are in there somewhere... I think... and even those need to be sorted.

It was my son's recent request for children's books that got me started on my recent quest to downsize my "stuff" collection. Some of his favorite childhood stories included Dr. Seuss, books by Bill Peet, and Uncle Remus. I gave it some serious thought and came to the conclusion that, although I love my Uncle Remus book, it brings nobody any enjoyment stowed away in a box on the shelf. I sent my boy a note offering him a huge box of Legos, and, along with a warning that some children actually morph into Brer Rabbit, offered him the treasured story book. Yes, Uncle Remus tends to be rare and collectible, but one of my own favorite childhood memories is snuggling up next to my dad and listening to him read Uncle Remus.

So, yesterday my daughter in law came over with her little ones for a short visit. We hugged small children, ate cookies, and sent them home with a big box of Legos and two story books; Uncle Remus and Richard Scarry's Mother Goose. I hope they make for many hours of fun and a lifetime of memories. I know they did for me.


  1. Hmmmm - so when you are done culling over there would you like to come "down south" and clean my place up a bit? ;)

    1. I would love to come "down south", but not to clean up. How about a cup of tea instead?

  2. I loved it when Dad read those books to us too. Very good memories... Hope the kids enjoy them as much as we did!

    1. I think they may possibly have a couple of Brer Rabbits on their hands. (Danny turned into Brer Rabbit and Mom had to put the book away for a spell.) But they're still great stories! :)

  3. Your grand kids are soooo cute...
    Is your whole family blonde, like you???
    Good for you giving them the books...
    More memories for them, to share with their wee ones...

    Linda :o)

    1. Thank you, Linda.
      It does seem that most of them start out blond, at least as babies. My daughters in law all have brown eyes, but so far no brown-eyed babies. We'll have to see what happens with the next one.
