Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I is for Instead

I is for instead.

I thought my grandchildren were coming over today, all of them, but instead I received a call from Bethany who informed me Josh was ill.  Josh and Jake would not be coming over. Instead of five grandchildren there would be three. I decided to ready the coffee maker and bake cookies in anticipation of their arrival around eleven o'clock. At 10:30 I pushed the button to start brewing the coffee I would share with my daughter in law. Instead, the phone rang at 10:40 am. On the other end was Leta who had decided if Bethany couldn't come, then perhaps, if it was okay, she come later in the afternoon instead, around 4 pm, on her way to dinner at her dad's house. By then my house will be full of school children and Mom will be gone with Rachel to visit my brother. It will not be quite the visit I had envisioned. It will be something else instead. (It turned out fine in the end. Busy, but still fun.)

I was disappointed with the change of plans, but instead of sulking, I decided to ice the cookies. Aren't they pretty? I was going to share, but maybe I'll eat them instead. ;)

PS. I did not eat the cookies. I gave them to children instead.

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  1. Sometimes we have to make changes, so glad you made cookies anyway--they look yummy.

    1. It was good to make cookies, and I didn't really eat them. I fed them to children and sent a bunch home with my daughter in law instead. :)

  2. Oh I hear you with kids getting sick. Mine has been sick for almost a week now.


    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team

  3. Great story, Martha...
    I am going to get myself off this computer..
    Of sitting here all night!!

    Linda :o)
    ps....those cookies look GOOD!!!

    1. It ended up being a good day in spite of the changes.

  4. flexibility...good for you!

    I would have eaten the cookies, licked the icing bowl and drank all the coffee....

  5. good looking cookies
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. Love your theme...INSTEAD.
    You definitely are a good Grandma. Your cookies look so good.

  7. If only there was no such word as INSTEAD. LOL

  8. Clever choice for the letter "I"
