I went out the door this morning only to discover my car was
deader than a door nail. Had to open the door with my key, and then found the driver's side was the only door I could unlock. The battery was so dead that the power locks wouldn't work. I might have a jumper cable in the back of the car, but if I do it is buried underneath my snow tires (Nope, they're not on the car yet.) which were locked in the back of the car. I am grateful for my son in law who came out to help me jump start my vehicle with his own jumper cables. What would I do without him? (Probably miss church while waiting for Triple A to show up.)
I knew the battery probably wouldn't be charged well enough by the time I got to church, but I parked anyway and went inside, already late for the service. Probably should have backed into the space or pulled all the way through... When I came out to start it up after church it went "
rrr" when I turned the key, but the battery didn't have enough juice to turn the engine over. I can't say I was terribly surprised, just somewhat inconvenienced.
My sister Rachel and her husband were still at church in a class. I knew Dave could help me when Sunday school was over, so I went back inside. I don't know the mind of God or what He is up to, but things did not go well inside... Or maybe they went exactly as they were supposed to. I guess only time will tell...

The perfect storm had been brewing. It started last Sunday when the leader who asked me to leave the CR Step Study back in April interrupted my conversation with a former CoDA friend, sent her to do a job, and then gave me a trite apology. Storm clouds gathered yesterday morning when I met an old homeschooling mom friend for lunch. She mentioned possibly going to Celebrate Recovery and I told her not to go to the one at my church. Thunder rumbled when a short time later I ran into one of my former CR Step Study members in the grocery store and felt the all too familiar unease that often comes when I stop to talk with someone from the group. A stiff wind blew this morning when I returned to the church lobby and ran into the CR leader again. She gave me another apology for interrupting last week and said "
I didn't realize you were deep in conversation," but her apology sounded far from sincere.
I'm not even sure how it happened, but all the pent up anger over what happened back in April and the distance I now feel from former friends came rushing out. "
I'm sorry you feel that way," she said and I found myself feeling invalidated and even more angry. There were words. Loud words.
The storm has dissipated now, although I still hear thunder in the distance. The air feels cold and damp. I know God is still here beside me and that He loves me. Maybe there is something for which I need to ask His forgiveness in all of this, but tonight I don't know what it is. I only know He put me exactly where He wanted me to be. He let things appear a little out of control, and then put a familiar person there to help settle my heart and thoughts. This person listened to my heart's cry and said, "
I wish I knew what to say..." and you know, that meant a lot because she took the time to listen even though she didn't know how to help.
And then Rachel and Dave came out of Sunday school. Dave helped me jump start my car and we stopped at Walmart and bought the very last battery that fit my car and he changed it for me while Rachel and I went to visit our Brother Tim.