Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Bits and Pieces

Bits and pieces because that's all I can do tonight.

* It's been a cold, snowy run of days. Last night I went home feeling slightly off, climbed the steps early, and turned the light out before 8 pm. I must have needed the rest because aside from getting up to use the bathroom, I slept all night.

* "Weird." That was the topic of conversation in the kitchen at work today, and I said, "Life feels weird. Not here at work, but outside of here life feels weird." And Kristie said, "It won't always feel that way." Perhaps one day life will normalize, but that day is hard to imagine. It seems as if life will always and forever be weird.

* The "D" Word. I thought it would never apply to me, but here it is stuck on my coat. "Divorced" I always thought it an ugly word, and in so many ways it is, but it feels all the uglier because I always hear my mother's words echoing through my thoughts. "God hates divorce." But does he? Is it divorce itself God hates? Or is it the events that lead us to divorce? I pushed it through, and life is weird. *sigh*

* Little arms reaching. Lots of them. They are looking for hugs. All those little arms, and how can I say no? They need hugs and I need them too. "Me! Me!" called one small child as she put her arms in the air. They are hungry for not only the food I bring, but the love. Oh, how I hate telling them I have to go make lunch or wash the dishes.

* The house was quiet and empty when I came home tonight. I considered going out to the pottery studio, but stayed here instead. I found a message from a pottery friend on Facebook. Someone looking to know when I might be there as she doesn't like to be there all alone on the weekend. And then, I signed up for another hand building class because I do not like being alone either. Friday nights from January through March. Eight weeks of mud therapy. Just what I need.


  1. I do not believe that God hates divorce. As a child of divorced parents, I have to say that the day they divorced, I finally felt that I had a chance at a life. Dad was an alcoholic and abusive to mom and my brother and I.
    I say enjoy the time you are at the class and if mud therapy is what makes life better, then go for it!

    1. The road to healing is long for all of us, and I now realize there are times when divorce is where the healing begins. But it doesn't make the journey easy.
      I am looking forward to the new class.:0)

  2. Mud Therapy and little arms therapy...good stuff for your weird world.
    Divorce isn't nice but I think you are right in that God doesn't hate divorce , but I think it's the events and choices that grieve His heart. He always loves you despite of what the world throws at you.
    Love you and I like seeing where your head is now.

    1. Mud and little people. They go together just perfect in Martha's World.
      Jesus loves me this I know.

  3. I so agree....with Sue and the other comments. Divorce is never pretty, but like Sue said, it's the events that lead to it that break the heart of God. But He is in the business of rebuilding lives...and you are one of His projects. And He does good work. Love you my dear Martha.

    1. I love you too, Wanda.
      I am forever blessed by your love.
