Friday, October 25, 2019


One of the hardest things is knowing he's lonely too, and still standing my ground...

There are broken pieces inside of me that I am struggling to put back together. Rebuilding is hard. I miss having friends to hang out with and find that I don't know how to make that happen. I know what I'm supposed to do, but the doing feels overwhelming, and it feels like I haven't had a good hard laugh in a long time.

I took the picture from Pinterest. Broken pieces put back together in a new and beautiful order. It didn't happen overnight, and I'm sure they didn't put themselves back together. I am moving forward, I am okay, and God hasn't left me to do this alone. 


  1. I am so sorry that you feel this way. Please know that God is always with you and that He has given you a new life to make your own. Find a way to make some close friends, as they truly are our lifeline sometimes.

    1. Yes, He has and He is guiding me slowly along. I can picture myself the little child dragged by the hand as she looks beside and behind, falters, and stumbles forward. And He never lets go of the hand. That is love.

  2. Yes, as you said... God takes our broken pieces and makes something beautiful, even when we can't/don't see the whole picture yet. He's been working with events in my life lately, and it's nice seeing the artwork begin to come together.

    Sorry I don't say much very often, even though I do keep up with your posts. It's evident through them that you're part of a beautiful picture!

    1. Thank you for being here, Joeks. Yes, God knows just what to do with broken pieces and He always make beautiful things.

  3. I think that's what God does best...
    He mends the broken pieces of us. He has the special glue that is Forever.
    God also doesn't leave it up to us to do it on our own.
    Praying for some special friends to be in your life and stand beside you in your journey.

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Sue. I believe they are part of the glue He uses. Life is still good. There are so many reasons to be thankful. I am blessed beyond measure, and He loves me.

  4. Hello my sweet Martha. Finally feeling like my life is slowing down enough to visit my friends once in a while. Posting is good therapy for me too, and I've missed that part of my life.
    As for your struggles ~ you have been given a "JOB" share. I know this...people who have suffered in this life, will have a much better understanding of a PERFECT heaven. I hope you don't have to wait that long, and in the meantime, some special friends will come your way. In my thoughts and heart...Hugs

    1. My perspective on the world and the Christian community has been rocked to the core. This is not necessarily a bad thing, and yet it is painful. In a dark world the light of Jesus shines brighter... or so they say. He continues to carry us as healing comes.
      I don't post near as much as I used to. Ha ha! But life is just as full of wonder. I am glad to see you back. You are much loved and missed.
