Sunday, March 31, 2019

Number Eleven

Minnesota came to visit. I had a chance to snuggle my newest grandson and it was sweet. A few of my kids got together for a pizza party and four grandsons ran about and made a ruckus. The fifth made a ruckus too, but he didn't run about like the other four.

I took Number Nine to church with me this morning. He went to Sunday school while I was in big church. I think he liked it.


  1. Just love all your kiddos. They can brighten any day...ruckus or not. It can be too quiet with out a bit of ruckus mixed in.

    1. I do like a bit of ruckus here and there, especially if it isn't my responsibility to contain it. :D

  2. In a world of sadness, broken dreams and healing...a moment like this is priceless. Martha they are such a treasure...I miss not having "little ones". Hugs.

    1. Little ones are almost always healing.
      Number ten let me snuggle him too and it was very nice.
