Monday, January 03, 2011

One Year Ago Today

One year ago we gathered at Mom's house to celebrate Josiah's birthday. Tomorrow he will have another birthday and rather than celebrate a day early, like last year, we will be celebrating on Wednesday which is a day late. Last year we had pistachio cake. Tomorrow we will have blueberry pie, even though I said we would have ice cream sundaes. I hope he isn't too disappointed. :)

I received two Christmas cards in the mail today. One was from my Aunt Barb and the other from my friend Della. What a great surprise! It even had a photo of all sixteen of her children lined up in a row from youngest to oldest. I have managed to learn the names of her girls but the older boys still have me guessing. Well, at least I know my own kids names, even if I do call them the wrong thing every once in a while. Just think, I only have seven names to go through before I get to the right one.

1 comment:

  1. I can just feel the warmth and the love in this picture.

    Can't believe a year has passed and it's Birthday time again for Josh.
