Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Random Stuff

I'm not sure what to say
We are waiting for lab results for Dad.
He is concerned about Mom.
Mom seems to be doing fine.
I had much to pray for at Ladies' prayer this morning.
My friend, Michelle, came over to help me with my "garden".
We didn't paint much.
I'll post a photo tomorrow.
Bethany and I went to visit my dad this evening.
He looks tired.
I need to be up by 6:30 am tomorrow.
There will be five extra children here.
I like having a house full of children.
I'll be tired tomorrow evening.
I need to go to bed.


  1. Martha I pray that you rest well and awake fresh and strengthened for a full day.


  2. Prayers for your dad and for all your family through this time of uncertainty.
    Sleep well.

  3. Have a fun filled day with the kids tomorrow.

  4. Phish-- only five? ;) Good night.

  5. Christine, five doesn't really sound like all that many to me either. (After all my blog address is "justseven")

  6. You have been up and at it for a couple of hours now, hope u slept well, kids will distract. You are on my mind. I you get a chance, email me you snail mail address. ;)

  7. I didn't sleep much, or at least I don't think I did. Kept waking up thinking it was 6:30am. I'm good so far and know the Lord will take me through this day just fine.
