Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Drive-In Theatre

What do guys love best? Why cars and drive-in movies, of course. This was Grandpa's idea and Lucas thought it a good one. He had been driving around wondering what to do when, BINGO!, the idea struck! Why not go to the movies? Why pull up a chair when you can drive up the car? (He stayed on the seat today...)

So, here is is watching Veggie Tales Lord of the Beans. We don't often turn on the tube during the daytime, so one has to enjoy it while he can. And he did.


  1. That is so darling.... only thing missing... popcorn.

  2. fun at gram's and grandpa's house, memories are being made!!

  3. Ah, yes the drive in theater,
    the last two years at Indiana University for my husband we had a one year old who always wanted to to to the moobie show and fell asleep as soon as it started.

    Those are adorable pictures!
