Friday, September 25, 2009

Being Prepared

One of my dad's favorite past times is collecting firewood. A downed tree means some fun for him. "Scrounging" he calls it. With permission he cuts it up, tosses it in his trailer, takes it home and stacks it in the woodshed. Although the house is outfitted with hot water baseboard heating, Dad has always enjoyed a winter fire in the old wood stove. This year hasn't been much different than previous ones. Dad has been out collecting firewood though not quite so diligently or enthusiastically. I know he has been sick much longer than four weeks, but like the Energizer Bunny, he kept going and going. If he could just get out of bed, he'd be out there again.

I looked in the woodsheds this afternoon and Dad is prepared for winter. He is also prepared and waiting for Jesus. He is ready to go home. We are preparing ourselves to let him go. It is hard but we know the day is fast approaching. We are beginning to pray for his release. Though there will be tears, there will also be rejoicing as he is loosed from his suffering. We will be left behind, but not for long.


  1. Prepared. Ready. Oh that everyone could/would be!

    You and your whole family have been in my thoughts and prayers so much. You remain there.

  2. sweet release, I pray for him.
    And for you I pray you do not suffer also. hugs.

  3. It is so hard to see someone you love so suffer. I wish you all Peace.

  4. Martha, there is such a comfort knowing that he is going to a better place, and will be with Jesus. I am praying for all of you.


  5. Although we know where he is going, it is still sad. I am sad for you. You are all in my prayers...
    I had to let go of my Dad three years ago and it was a sad and hard time. Peace be with you all...

  6. I look at the wood he has stacked. Its so incredible to imagine that each piece was cut and stacked just his wonderful hands..If only each of us in this world could have someone sooo precious in their life..what a grand world this would be.
