Monday, September 14, 2009

Time Traveler

Today is filled with a mix of uncertainty and fluctuating hormones, and so I take you on a trip back to when life was simpler, at least for me...

There was a time, not so long ago, when after the supper dishes were cleared away, the family would gather around the dining room table and draw or color. While Mom washed the dishes, Dad sat and played with us.

Some of my first people. I think they look lollipops.

A train, a train, a train, a train...

Priscilla has always been good at drawing people.
This is Grandma.

And one of Mommy too.

Some of Rachel's early people.

And a first grade friend too.


  1. Wow! I am so impressed that you have those available to you. What a treasure!

  2. Yes...I think I'd like to go back in time. Just for a day or so.

  3. Your being a pack rat pays off!
    package is in the mail. :)

  4. Oh, this time I was not the pack rat! These are tucked away in big fat scrapbooks at Mom's house. My brother always said the bottom drawer of the buffet was full of junk and should be thrown out. Who knows what else is tucked away in closets and cupboards at Mom's.

  5. :D Your whole childhood more than likely! Yeah for her!

  6. Those bring lots of laughs and memories to those who have them.

    Our very large old farm house burned down to the ground a few years after I was married, but before I had collected "treasured little things" like those and pictures, they were gone forever.


  7. If you were wondering where Sherri's arms were, they were behind her back. :)

    I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

  8. I hadn't even thought of it, Rachel. I only thought how cute she was.
