Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jim!

Happy Birthday, my son!
You are the one who brought me a special gift; the name "Mom." Albuquerque in September of 1981 can seem both long ago and like yesterday at the same time. The days and years have hurried by and now you are grown and living far away, but my love for you remains the same.
Thank you for coming into my life, for teaching me how to love unconditionally, and for showing me just how much my own mom and dad love me. Of course, I wish I was with you on your special day, to give you a hug and tell you how much I love you. I am blessed to have you as my son!
(I hope the delivery arrived safe and was yummy!)


  1. Happy Birthday to you!
    Martha, what a nice post!
    You looked soo young!!

  2. Young? You were young!
    Happy Birthed Day Jim!
    Happy birthed Jim day, Martha!

  3. Happy Birthday Jim! You are fortunate to have a loving family.

