Friday, September 04, 2009

A Strange Path

It has been a week of many tears. I went to bed with a lump in my throat Monday night. I thought I could hold it together but once the light went out I found I couldn't. After Wednesday's cancer diagnosis the tears ran in the dark of night and I couldn't stop them. They come in waves. Sometimes my heart is sad and heavy and other times we talk and laugh. This morning we met with a woman from hospice. (It is a foreign word.) Tonight we have a family meeting to figure out how we can bring Dad home and take care of him and Mom.

Through all of this I am amazed at the sense of peace my father has. He quotes scriptures with his eyes closed (always has) and encourages us. He is not afraid. He is looking forward and has no regrets behind him. He is a hero.


  1. The grieving if for those left behind. Those who go are free of worldly woes and pain, As it should be.
    My heart is with you, Martha. Hurts like heck I know. hugs.

  2. He IS a hero. He is leaving quite a legacy behind. I couldn't have asked for a better dad.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear this sad news, Martha. I've worked the last few days, but have been watching for the updates and praying for your dear, beloved parents. they're both such great heroes.

    Hopsice nurses are also heroes. They will be very helpful. I'll keep you all in my prayers while you plan, decide, love, mourn, celebrate. You are all so blessed to have the legacy of faith so strongly evident in your family. God's comfort be with you all.

  4. i will be praying for all of you! it is a strange path. jesus, carry my friend, her mom, and all of her family, and we bless You and thank You for Your comfort and peace.

  5. sorry i am impatient and hit that three times! i hope that turns the corners of your mouth a little.

  6. Martha you had been on my mind and in my prayers. Today when I was posting my Sunday Meditation on Prayer, I was praying for your dad, and linked you blog and ask all those who stop by the Sunday Meditation to come by and say a prayer for you.

    I agree, Hospice nurses are heaven sent.... listen to all the advice they give you, they are so wonderful at what they do.

    Holding you in our arms.
    Wanda and Don

  7. You all are in my prayers. The Lord will see you through this, and draw you closer as a family.

  8. Martha my heart is heavy when I think of you and your family and what you are going through.

    We are praying for your dad, mom and you, along with your family.

    There is a wonderful peace that the Lord gives at times like these and I pray for that peace especially for you.


  9. A hero indeed. What an inpiration.

    I have enjoyed reading down your blog and am sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis, but thankful for the hope he has in Christ.

    Praying you all fell God's strong comforting presence during this uncertain time.

    btw, I always love your photography. You have a way with it.

  10. Thank you, Angie. The prayers of the saints are evident and we continue to put our trust in the Lord each day. He is good all the time!
