Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Turkey Trot

Somewhere out there in the orchard a turkey is running for his life. Ben found his tracks coming from the orchard behind the house, up through our backyard, down the driveway, and off into the orchard across the street. This is a bad time of year to be a turkey even if they are the star of the show.
He would have been relatively safe here as we are not hunters and have never killed or plucked our own fowl... well, aside from Bethany's experience with a tough old rooster. Besides, I already have two fresh birds just waiting in my freezer downstairs.


  1. Run, Tom, Run! Grandmas have been know to track animals to teach grandkids what tracks look like. Humm but those grandkids don't have wonderful, helpful, cute and adorable uncles to teach them. :D

  2. How groovy! He came to your house for protection!

  3. Turkey Tracks.... You would never see that in California!!

    I love the idea that he's safe in your orchard.
