Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's Saturday!

The string of Saturdays is coming to a close. I wish I could say I accomplished something grand and glorious these past two days, but the truth is I didn't do much of anything yesterday, slept too long this morning, and am looking forward to beginning a new week tomorrow. November will soon be just a memory and December will be upon us. I'm not sure I'm ready for it just yet...

I took the kids out to Webster this afternoon. I went in Bed, Bath and Beyond, Target, and the grocery stores. I don't suppose I am the only one who visits more than one store for groceries. Aldi is great for basics like juice, crackers, and breakfast items (bacon, sausage, frozen tators...), BJ's is like Costco, and I like to buy meat, cheese, and things like hot chocolate or other bulk items in there, and finally Wegman's, the hometown grocery chain, where I buy most of what we really want or need. I rarely shop in Williamson as the grocery store here seems very expensive. With gas prices down it's well worth it to drive to the better stores.

I'm cooking up another pot of turkey soup for supper. We had some last night and it was very good. I'm not sure what I did different this year but this is the best turkey soup I've ever made. Want a taste?


  1. yep, a small bowl without crackers or bread. just the soup. :D
    I started posting old pictures today. We are having turkey pot pie for dinner. Oh! the update, we had turkey not goose. We could not justify 72.00 for a 9 lb goose. YES $ 72.00 smackeroos! I do miss having a hunter around when I need one. So turkey it was at 20.00 for a 22 lb bird. We have lots of leftovers. hugs.

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful Saturday.

  3. Found your blog via feedjit.
    Really enjoy it!

    And no! You are not the only person who shops multiple stores for groceries.

    Your family is beautiful.
    Pop by our blog at your convenience.

    Thanks for sharing.
    <>< Stacy

  4. Three stores get most of my grocery shopping business. Depends what my other errands are and what the specials are.

    Homemade soup? Oh, yes, I would absolutely love some! I usually offer to make the chili for soup suppers, but really need to learn to make some other kinds as well!
