Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Some White Stuff

Yesterday we woke up to ice, today to snow. One never knows what the day will bring living here in upstate NY. It keeps us on our toes (or knocks us off our feet).

So today we scraped yesterday's ice off the van windows and set out to pay some bills. I have managed to stay on my feet so far today but did have a close call out in the parking lot by the bank. Ice likes to hide beneath freshly fallen snow.
The guys with the plows must be happy now that there is some snow to plow. One of them nearly ran me (and the guy ahead of me) off the road likely trying to get to his next job. I won't be calling him to clear my driveway!


  1. Brrr...I'll bet those ducks and geese that like to land on Teal Lake are long gone by now. Maybe this weekend we'll get to go sledding!!

  2. I haven't seen the ducks or geese in several days now.

  3. YIKES! Glad it was just a close call!!

  4. That picture gives me goosebumps.

  5. I have had enough of winter for one year I think! LOL! Today in the sunshine the ice looked so lovely and shiny. Something so beautiful yet it can be so destructive!
