Thursday, January 11, 2007

Payback Time

What have I taught my children?!


  1. a sence of humor.... which is always good.
    LOL I do like the little stuffie you are snuggling.

  2. Yes, the little stuffie is a Star Bellied Sneech. ("The Star belly sneeches had bellies with stars, the plain belly sneeches had none upon thars...") He was helping keep me warm.

  3. I'm fighting off some kind of sinus disease and it's making me so sleepy. Maybe it's time for bed...

  4. LOL Definitely looks like payback to me. And I love the Star Bellied Sneech!a

  5. Me too. I have the sneetches book and I love it. I used to have a big tshirt that I wore at night that said "sneetches and sneetches"

  6. I almost thought you were crying, actually.

  7. So did Troy put that there before Hannah took the picture...or do you really snuggle with a sneetch when you sleep?

    Is eyore jealous?

  8. No, Priscilla, Eeyore is not jealous. He had to learn to sleep alone years ago when I married James.

    As for the sneetch, he was already there. I didn't want to disturb him so I let him stay. ;)

  9. I remember that shirt! I am suprised that you still don't have it! at least i think I remember it.
    martha: I would check the water , it seems you all have dropsy when your home.
