Sunday, January 07, 2007

A Normal Winter

Since there is no snow on the ground and the forecast is a little iffy on how much snow we will get (or how long it will stick around) I thought I'd post a few photos of what a normal NY state winter is like.

If the weather gets cold enough to freeze the water collecting in our backyard we could be doing this. Of course I would need to go on a desparate search for ice skates. I think I may have a pair or two... (Some of these kids have outgrown the skates they had two years ago when the photo was taken.) Well, I doubt the "lake" will freeze over this year anyway.

This is how it looked yesterday morning (and today too). 2007 will one day be remembered as "The Year Without a Winter".


  1. Nothing normal about the winter this year! I actually have been seeing robins here in Missouri this past week which is unusual.

  2. This is a very strange winter. I remember in 1990 a song called "November Rain" came out and I thought it was strange because I had never seen rain in November.

  3. it still looks very nice!!
    I hope your kids will not be too disappointed that they can't ice skate this 'winter'.
    You seem to have a very nice property, too. How many acres?

  4. your killen me! thats it I am now going to pray every day that you get snow at least once this winter!
    starting tonight!

  5. Our kids are pretty disappointed that last year we didn't have enough snow to even go sledding once, and this year we haven't had more than a slight dusting on the grass.

  6. Okay, I have to figure out how to put a little picture by my comments like everyone else!

  7. Now that's a big difference. But I'm not going to complain although I do wish it would stop raining so darn much!

  8. We own about 3 1/2 acres but I think the 1/2 might be under water right now. With every rain we lose a little bit more. All the area under water is lawn we were mowing in summers past. (We have a little drainage problem, huh?)

  9. I think it looks nice with a pond. Maybe that is what you should do. Just go for having a pond year round.

    (hi everyone)

    Rachel...I'll help you put up a photo. Send me one of you and we'll work on it.
