Friday, February 16, 2024

The Continuing Saga

My blood pressure is just as high at home as it was in the doctor's office, so it's not the White Coat kind. The good part of that is I did not go to the doctor for nothing. The bad part is my blood pressure is way too high.

I am scheduled to have a cortisone injection in my sacroiliac joint on February 27 (They called today) and I had to send my boss another time off request for that and the follow-up appointment. I don't blame her for wanting to go crazy with my abundance of appointments. I'm a little crazy with it myself. One thing just leads to another...

* My visit to my GP about my back pain led to physical therapy, which led to orthopedics, which led to the Spine Center/pain management doctor, which is leading me to the cortisone injection and a follow-up appointment..

* My apparent allergic reaction in Cape Cod led to the allergist noticing my elevated tryptase levels which led to him sending me to hematology to rule out anything serious. (He thinks it's just a hereditary condition that makes me more susceptible to itching and hives but wants to make sure. Test so far have pointed in that direction.) That appointment is March 11th.

* My visit to the eye doctor led to a visual field test, which led to the possibility of eye lid surgery. (LOL! Like that's going to happen... There are way too many other things to address.)

* My appointment yesterday, precipitated by my visit to the Spine Center, led to an EKG, which is leading me to a cardiologist on my return from Florida in March.

That doesn't include the recommendation to see an orthopedist for my hands, and I haven't even mentioned yet how my right sinus always feels like there is a blockage in there. Headaches are almost always on the right side and it always feels like there is something in my right nostril that doesn't come out when I blow my nose... Ugh. Have I told you I once didn't go to the doctor for years and years?

Anyway, taking a mental health day was profitable. I wasn't comfortable doing nothing and I wasn't comfortable doing something, so I decided to at least be accomplished. I cleaned the utility room in the center of the house. I feel much better knowing most of the dust and cobwebs have been cleaned away from the furnace and water heater, off the walls, and out of the corners. It's not finished yet but the difference is astonishing.

PS. Some pictures of last week's pottery night creations. Tonight I'll be rolling more slabs and hopefully glazing.


  1. So strange reading and seeing some similarities in your medical concerns and my own. I made an appointment with an Otolaryngologist for pressure that I often feel in my Rt sinus, but more in the bridge of my nose. I wonder if I have a sinus polyp or something. I have an appt on April 12th (Dad's birthday) at 2:15. That was the soonest I could get in when I made the appointment a few weeks ago, since I now work most Thursdays in addition to Mon-Wed. Dave and I also have to schedule colonoscopies. We have a friend who does them (I won't be seeing him, lol!), and he scared me the last time we had them over. Dave will probably see him, but I think I'll see Dr Bushra Fazili. Our friend's wife sees her since they won't allow her husband to do her colonoscopy...I think because of the emotional aspect that would come into play should he see something. Also, my bloodwork showed my LDL (bad cholesterol) is too high. It should be below 99 and it's 111. My HDL (good cholesterol) is too low at 59. Should be between 60 and 401, so I'm not too bad there, but still. I'm changing my diet.
    Anyway, I'm glad you're seeing a some doctors and will hopefully be getting healthier!

    1. It's been an interesting year of seeing doctors after so many years of not seeing any for so long. I'm hoping there comes a day when I'm back to once or twice a year. On a positive note, I'm up to date with my dentist visits and I love the new office I chose.
      I just want to blow that blockage right out of my nose, but no matter how hard I huff it remains unmoved.

  2. By the way, those mugs are really nice!
