Thursday, February 29, 2024

Take a Flying Leap

(It's Leap Day!)

Winter has returned for a minute or two. With snow. I went to the lake after my doctor visits on Tuesday. It was such a beautiful day with very springlike temperatures. Yesterday the temperature plummeted and there was snow on the ground this morning. It'll be gone by Saturday, if not tomorrow.

So... things at work have been going better. My boss has been extremely... nice. Nothing was said about the email, nor was there a reply, but she has been extra friendly. I'm not sure exactly what this means but I'm willing to wait and see. I will be guarded, but honestly don't wish to cause trouble or stir up strife, nor am I trying to make enemies.

We had an incident at work today. (I'm not saying anything more, simply putting this here for myself as a reference point.) Maybe I'll tell the story after it's all sorted out and settled.

My blood pressure continues to be up and down but my resting heart rate has been good. The doctor's notes said, "She is normal weight," which I found encouraging even if I would like to lose 30 pounds. I'm trying to eat better while waiting for spring and the ability to walk more consistently. I was in pain back in the fall and did not walk near as much as I'd hoped. We're in the home stretch. Just another blizzard or two and it can be spring.

Pictures from my stop at the lake on Tuesday afternoon when it was 70 degrees or more.


  1. Hi Martha,

    I would say you boss knows she was in the wrong, but for whatever reason is unable to bring herself to admit it 🙄 A bit pathetic really. Anyway as long as she’s being nice that’s the main thing.

    The weather has been weird, hasn’t it. Mother Nature seems to be very confused I think. Not sure what to do next! “Maybe today I’ll make it quite warm till 3 o’clock, then have a blizzard!!” That’s how it’s been here. Now it’s -15C and very sunny, but we have heaps of snow. Go figure!

    Have a great day! And it’s good to hear your back is improving.

    Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦

    1. Yes, I think you are correct about the boss. I'm trying to give her some space to change and her being nice is fabulous.

      The weather is absolute weird. As I walked today I found myself wondering when the next blizzard would hit. LOL!

      Thank you for all the well wishes!
