Sunday, August 06, 2023

One, Two, Three

Something new is happening. It's beyond just a possibility now. The wheels are turning.

Last week I submitted my two week notice at work. I had already given a verbal notice on Tuesday. There wasn't much reaction from either my boss or the assistant director, and absolutely nothing from the owner on Friday. (It's so weird...) It's the moms and a few coworkers who are making me feel emotional, even those whose children are no longer in the infant rooms. In all likelihood, I will disappear without the children ever realizing I am not coming back and that makes me sad.

The letter states my final day as August 11th, but the letter on the front desk gives my last day as August 18, 2023. I will be gone on vacations from August 12 through the 19th and I don't expect to be paid for that time. I've already been told he doesn't pay for any time off once a notice has been given. I wrote a nice letter and said nothing negative, even though the past year has been a bit rough. 

My new job is with another daycare just a little over a mile from home. It will save gasoline, mileage on my car and wear and tear as well. This is the reason I have given all who ask about the change. (I'll be replacing four tires in a few weeks. Yikes!) Yesterday afternoon Hannah and I went for a walk with Killian and found it will take me about 25 minutes if I decide to walk back and forth to work on any given day. One point three miles there, one point three miles back. I think I'm going to love it.

Almost all of my paperwork has been submitted. My friends and coworkers were phenomenal with giving references, and fingerprints/background checks are now transferable via computer. I have an appointment for a TB test on Tuesday, with a reading Thursday afternoon, and then I will spend a week in Cape Cod with my friend Laura before starting at the new place. In spite of being a tad emotional, I am feeling great peace.


  1. My joy for your and your new adventure brought tears of happiness to my eyes. And the walking will be so healthy and give you time to enjoy an walk with the "Father" above. Walking and Talking to the Lord is such a great way to start any day! Love you to the moon and beyond.

    1. It's a bittersweet move, but full of "good things to come." Yes, the alone walking time will be not only healthy, but profitable for prayer and meditation. The only thing that would make it better is taking my little friends along. They are so hard to leave behind.
      Much love to you! You are my favorite!

  2. If you earned the vacation time, then they can't just take it because you gave your notice, can they? ...Okay, just looked it up and I guess if that's their policy it's their policy. That stinks!

    I understand your emotional feelings over the children not knowing you won't be coming back. The good thing is that very little kids adjust quickly, even though it will be confusing at first.

    Wishing you the very best in this new job.💜

    1. It's in the handbook, dated January 2021, but it's in there. If they decide to be extra nice and pay me for the week, it will be a shock.

      I'm not only emotional for the children, it's hard for me to leave them as well. Maybe mostly that. Even so it will be a good move.

  3. I'm glad to hear about your impending fresh start with the new job! Enjoy the time away with your friend.

    1. Thank you, Joeks! It's going to be fabulous! I can't wait to put my feet in the ocean. And the fresh start will be wonderful too.

  4. Well, good for you! I think I would have taken my time off before giving notice but, oh well.
    Enjoy your new place!!!

    1. There's a piece of me trying not to inconvenience the director right before the start of a new school year (We start in September.), and there's another piece that knows it's time for me to leave even if it is somewhat inconvenient. (Also, I wasn't aware of the policy, so there's that.) I will be okay. Slightly poorer, but not much.

  5. I am proud of you for moving on...the old daycares response..or lack of it is a good sign that you did the right thing. Yes you will miss the "littles" but there will be others filling the empty places in your heart too.
    You will be Happy!!

    1. I'm going to be a little confused for a while. At least until my "final" day comes and goes, whichever one that may be. A piece of my heart will always be in the daycare I am leaving and I will always be grateful for the healing in my heart that occurred within those walls. I'm sure God has some surprises waiting for me at the new place.
