Sunday, March 19, 2023

It's Sunday Again

It's been a relaxed weekend. Yesterday I ordered the paneling for my room. Sergio and Carlos went to retrieve it from Lowes in the afternoon. I'm excited to see how the room looks and feels when it's all put back together again.

The checklist of catch-up doctor appointments continues. I have an appointment tomorrow for a precautionary ultrasound, a date for the dreaded colonoscopy, and a double-recommended dentist to contact tomorrow as well. Two totally unconnected friends named this particular guy and nobody recommended another. I'll be paying the dentist out of pocket but I'd rather have one who comes highly recommended. (Call me foolish but it feels better this way.) 

Three of my pottery cousins attended NCECA (National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) in Cincinnati this past week. I could have gone along but I chose to save the money ($300) and my vacation days. It sounded like so much fun but I just couldn't justify it at the moment. I'm hoping we have time for some local festivals this year instead. (And I signed up for another class... Yikes!)