Dear Lord,
This New Year I ask that you give me more wisdom and insight; wisdom to know what to do or say when circumstances and situations are beyond my knowing, and insight to see ahead of time when trouble is looming down the road, especially trouble that can be avoided.
I don't want to throw stones, Lord, and I truly want to believe the best, but sometimes the best is not reality. Sometimes I am naive, sometimes I am blind, sometimes I have looked the other way when I should have been paying attention. Sometimes I have simply done what I thought was best instead of seeking Your advice. Please forgive me, Lord, and show me how to deal with what is now before me.
Beams and specks... help me to know the difference...
Shine the light of Your word on my path that I might follow in Your footsteps instead of making my own way in the world.
Pour Your love in and through me that I might love those you bring into my life. Sometimes it is hard, Lord, especially when they give so many reasons to be hurt or angry instead.
Teach me to judge the thoughts and intents of my own heart, to give to You that which causes my heart to become hard and callous, and to become pliable in Your Hand.
May I learn to trust you more each day, to thank you for each blessing you bestow, and to cherish every breath.
May I treasure every loved one, forgive their mistakes and misdeeds, and remember that even they won't be around forever.
And please Lord, keep the memory of my dad alive in my heart and mind. Please tell him that I love him and we're taking care of Mom.
Signs2-In Trumpville.
4 hours ago