Friday, October 10, 2008

The Orchard Walk

Late this morning we ventured off into the orchard. Many trees are mauled and missing their load of fruit but others still bear their precious cargo. Bowing under the stress, the trees still holding apples stand out in the crowd. They are the pretty ones and the reason an orchard walk is so rewarding. Midway through our adventure the pungent odor of vinegar permeated the air. There on the ground, a few feet away, was a pile of rotting apples. They smelled like a miniature Fleischmann's vinegar plant.
We walked far today and before we arrived home I was already feeling the pain of a well done workout. If only I could squeeze a whole season's worth of exercise into the few times I am been able to get out there... I know that is impossible, but it is a nice thought. At least I am able to pick a nice healthy, fat-free snack along the way.
I didn't get out to the farm market or down by the lake today. Necessity determined that I would not have a vehicle (James' van is misbehaving...) and so I stayed here and enjoyed our own little farm and surroundings instead. It was another gorgeous day. Tomorrow I will likely head out to the grocery store again and maybe get Ben that haircut he so desperately needs.


  1. What a nice day. I hope Ben's hair cut goes great!!

  2. Pictures are great! Long walk!!
    previous post; don'cha just want to go out there and yank his pants up? :)
    Hope you didn't over do today and thus limiting your outing tomorrow. :)

  3. What a beautiful day for a walk. Love the pic with the lake in the background. It was good to run into the other day! I said hello to Ben and Hannah but I'm not sure they recongized me!

  4. What a nice walk. THose apples sure looked yummy!

  5. I buy unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar at Trader Joe's and have 2 tablespoons daily.... Wish I could get some of yours.

  6. Wanda, do you take it like medicine? Maybe it is kind of like "an apple a day".

  7. Oh Martha ~~ I made the Chili this morning and it is so good!! My husband who like things a little "hotter" tested it, and had to have a second bowl.

    We will see how it fares at the Chili Cookoff tomorrow.

    Thanks again for the recipe! Wish I had my camera to show you a picture of it.


  8. No, Martha I don't take it like medicine, but mix it with Flax Seed Oil for Salad dressing, per my "Fat Flush Plan" I'm on. Have lost a needed 25 pounds, and feel great. That is one of the things I do daily.

  9. I am excited about the chili cookoff too. I do hope you win. Wouldn't that be fun?

    I need a fat flush too, just 25 or 30 pounds. I would feel so much better if I could do that.
