Friday, March 04, 2022

Bits and Pieces

* I got to thinking this afternoon and decided to attempt a resurrection. Of this blog. It's been undergoing a struggle the past few years, but I'm pretty sure with a bit of TLC it can be revived.

* There is so much for which to be grateful. I've often posted here when I was feeling down, but the truth is I'm really doing very well. The good days far outweigh the bad. I am actually loving myself and enjoying life. I rarely wonder who I am or where I am going to end up and I know The One who watches over me. He hasn't failed me yet. (I must remember not to post when I am tired. Honesty is good, life is not perfect, but God is still good.)

* My babies, my work babies, are growing up. When I started this Baby Room job back in October, the task felt daunting. The babies we 3, 4, 5, and 6 months old. I psyched myself up for the couple of months ahead, set my mind, and plunged forward. I fully expected, at the beginning, to be back in the daycare kitchen by Christmas. Silly me. It's been 5 months now. My girls are now 7, 8, 9, and 10 months old. In two weeks they will be 8, 9, 10, and 11 months. I think I'm in the Infant Room for the long haul, and that's okay. I actually like it most of the time. Ha ha!

* It is late and I am tired. Tired makes it hard for me to remember what happened during the day, and not remembering what happened makes posting a challenge. I have a plan to overcome that. And while I can remember...

* Overheard in the hallway this week while the two year old children were going outside, "Rocky the Bear? That's Winnie the Pooh." (Meet Rocky. He's been on the blog before. Do you think he looks at all like Pooh Bear?)

* And yesterday... I can't show her face, but I can show you what she did. The box of tissues was full. Ha ha! I almost didn't think to take a photograph. While she went to sleep I folded the tissues back up and put them into an empty tissue box. No sense throwing them all out. they were clean!


  1. Oh yay..I'm so glad to see you back here on the blog.
    I really can tell that you are doing well..we are ALL Works in progress.
    Adorable little munchkins and I love how busy that one little sweetie had flinging the tissues everywhere.
    I remember my boys doing that and also "helping" me fold the laundry many times over..

    1. I really don't want to lose my blog or my blog friends, and it's been such a great outlet for my thoughts, not to mention a great way to make friends. Yes, we are all works in progress.

      I love the littles! The tissue fiasco made me laugh. She sure is a sneaky one. I remember my own little sister getting into a box of tissue when we were kids and I typically make sure it's out of reach. Oops.

  2. Glad to see you back! Praying for you.

    1. Thank you, Ondra. I appreciate it so very much!
