Writing has been hard lately. I'm not sure whether I'm at a loss for words or at a loss for sharable stories... I should be sitting on the back porch. Maybe I could think better out there, but I haven't invested in that laptop yet, so I'm in the house.
Perhaps some randomness for today.

1. Outside is a mocking- bird that likes to sit on top of Barn 2 and sing. Some- times he pretends to be a barn swallow. Some people hate them, but I find him rather fascinating.
2. My daughter, Hannah, will be traveling to Grenada in about 2½ weeks. The group from church
she's with will be conducting a Vacation Bible School for children there. She will turn 19 in Grenada like she turned 18 there last year. Last year she didn't want to come home, but perhaps it will be different this year...
3. The last day of school is tomorrow. One more day of putting kids on and off the bus, and then I will have just grandchildren and one small girl 2-3 times/week through the summer.
4. I am home alone. No one is here to mess up the house if I clean it, but that fails to motivate me at the moment.
5. Our vegetable garden is growing. It has tomatoes, peppers, cilantro, green and yellow beans, summer squash, cucumbers and radishes, and maybe some corn, if it decides to grow. I've also got some flowers down there; marigolds, zinnias, lobelia, and nasturtiums. Maybe one day I'll toss some nasturtiums in my salad.
6. I'm seriously considering carving out time to go back to Wednesday night service at Calvary Chapel.