Monday, June 09, 2014

Garden Guy

Monday, Monday... I put two girls on the bus this morning and then set out to fight off the headache I'd forgotten to medicate earlier. A little ibuprofen, a little more coffee, and I was set to go, but go where? Instead of going out I stayed in. Did a little laundry, a little kitchen cleanup, and cooked up a little breakfast for Hannah and me. (Eggs over-easy and corn tortillas) It was a quiet day, aside from the vacuum cleaner. I even fell into a deep sleep before the bus returned on its afternoon run.

Evening found James checking out the vegetable garden. I sneaked out with my camera to see if anything interesting was happening.

The beans sprouted overnight! That's pretty cool. I watered them just the other day and the only sign of them were two long cracks in the ground where the seeds were expanding. I think perhaps there are green and yellow beans in our future. One day soon I'll be sitting out on the back porch snipping a big pan of beans and sipping a big iced tea. Yeah, that sounds like a plan...

And then there are the chives. Someone with a lawnmower ran down the bunch up by the house, so these are the prize chives now. I love their blooms and can't resist taking photos. Just so pretty (in spite of their onion-y odor). Maybe we should have a garden row of plants that come up every year; chives, asparagus, rhubarb... I wonder if all those plants like each other? They would make a cool looking row while waiting for everything else to grow, but I ramble....


  1. I love photographing chives too!
    Linda :o)

  2. arn't chive blossoms editable? they would look so .. pastel in a salad. :)

    1. I don't know whether or not chive blossoms are edible, but we did plant some nasturtiums and I know they are. I wonder how they taste?

  3. I didn't know that about chives. Very pretty. I'm thinking baked potato, sour cream and, yes, chives.

    1. Baked potatoes and chives. Oh, yummy!
