It's cold. It's really cold. It's really, really cold.

In spite of the cold, the sun is shining and it looks decep- tively pleasant outside. Although I knew there was really nothing unusual to photgraph out there today, I bundled up and ventured out into the frigid air, squinting into the sunlight as I went.

It wasn't until I was looking through my photos later that I noticed a row of sparrows lined up over the barn window. They decided to take a rest on the windy side of the barn today. Maybe it's because they can see the bird feeder from there. Or maybe there was more shelter from the wind along the side of the barn than I knew.
I walked into the orchard and found some frozen fruit still hanging from the trees.
On the way out I was looking away from the wind, but had to face it on the way back home. I pulled my hood farther onto my head and zipped my jacket up as far as it would go. The frozen zipper rested against my lip and I wished I'd worn a scarf. Walking backward was considered, but only briefly. The snow, blown about by a steady wind, was of varying depths and would surely have thrown me off balance had I dared to travel in reverse.

I did not venture far, just far enough to catch a glimpse of Lake Ontario from the top of the hill. It looked cold and icy and tempted me to get into my vehicle for drive down to the lake and a closer look. Instead I wandered back home and into the house where my cheeks felt aflame and my fingers burned bringing back childhood memories of frozen toes and fingers. We always stayed outside a little longer than we should have.
It'll be cold, cold again tomorrow morning. There is no hope for a day off school and I doubt the kids will even get the two hour delay that was granted this morning. At least they don't have to walk and the school bus is warmed up by the time they get on it.
And maybe next week I'll have something to post on besides the winter weather.
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