Saturday, October 21, 2023

Thanks For Joining Me on the Ride

It's been quite the journey so far, a rambling sort of road, crossing sunny fields, through long, dark tunnels and endless forests, and over rocky mountains. Like you, my fellow travelers, I don't know what lies over the next hill or around the curve in the road ahead. More territory has already been covered than I'd ever imagined. There's been expansion along the way, a painful stretching growth. Low lying branches have pulled my hair and scratched my face. My fingers have been bloodied and toes smashed against unseen obstacles. I've tripped over roots, lost a shoe, and ripped my pants, but I can't turn back. Time doesn't allow for restarts. It just keeps tumbling us forward, farther down the road toward the end, wherever that may be.

It's been quite the journey so far, an ambling sort of walk across sunny fields, through fabulously long tunnels, endless enchanted forests, and majestic rocky mountain climbs. Like you, my fellow travelers, I don't know what adventure lies over the next hill or around the curve in the road ahead. More territory has already been covered than I'd ever imagined! There's been expansion along the way, a wonderful stretching growth. Low lying branches have taught me to pull back my hair and protect my face. My fingers have been bloodied and toes smashed against unseen obstacles but I'm much more aware today. I've hopped over roots, danced without shoes, and laughed at ripped pants. I can't turn back but I don't really want to. Time doesn't allow for restarts. It just keeps encouraging us forward to more adventure further down the road. The excitement never ends!


  1. I like what you have written about our journeys in life, obstacles encountered and sometimes learning to protect ourselves. It is a wild ride isn't it?

    1. Terra, the ride is definitely a wild one! I wish I could always look at it as an adventure. Sometimes I get sidelined, but I'm learning.

  2. SO right! One thing after another...
    Onward we go...

  3. Forward and ever onward...not always easy, well actually most of the time it isn't easy at all... BUT,
    I never want to go it's onward scuffs, bumps and bruises and all.

    1. If I am honest, there are days when I desperately want to go backward. How far backward I haven't decided. Since it isn't an option, forward we go!
